Friday, September 07, 2007


Yesterday I received an automated voice-message from Gamestop, telling me that the Halo Spartan/Covenant controllers should be in on Friday (today). If you remember from one of my earlier posts, I had these on pre-order long ago.

Today I gave my friend, Sabs, a call. Sabs works at Gamestop and gets me some nice discounts and swag. I asked if he'd meet me at work to pick up my controllers, he said sure thing.

Two minutes later I get a call back, saying he just called work, and the UPS man didn't show up with the controllers.

Heartbroken, I went to Gamestop anyway, since I had to pay off the last $45.09 for my Legendary Edition of Halo 3. My little Halo-playing sister came along for the trip, wanting to see if there were any DS games she wanted for her birthday. When we walked in, Sabs was there, talking to his buddy behind the counter. I paid for my Legendary Edition, griping about my disappointment in knowing the controllers we not available still. A moment later his buddy came out with a box fresh off the truck. I squealed and inside were the new wireless controllers.

The Spartan one is mine. The Covenant belongs to the sister :)

Shortly after my purchases, I learned that the employees at Gamestop recieve a bracelet with the Halo 3 icon on it. Sabs' friend said he had his in his car if I really wanted one, but before I could reply Sabs reached into his sleeve and handed me his.

"It's a little too punk-rock for me. Consider it an early birthday present."

It just about rivals my dog tags.

The figurines that came with the controllers look like junk in these images, mostly because of A) My camera B) Lighting or C) Me not being a photo major. But in person, they're amazing. Just like the ActionClix, there is so much detail on these tiny little guys. I love the MC with the shotgun, but he looks so cool with the Assault Rifle.

Oui, oui!

More pics of the controllers.


A place for my alter egos. said...

Very nice.

Anonymous said...

I'm still wondering what the back of these new controllers looks like. I'm guessing just black right? Can anybody confirm?

Anonymous said...

Nice write-up. Good to read others are anticipating HALO 3 as much as I am. Can't wait.

Lacrimosa X said...

Anon 1: Yes! The back of the controllers ARE black. So don't go buying the standard 360 battery packs for the wireless controllers. Get yourself the Elite ones :)

Anonymous said...

Alright! Thanks for answering my question. Good looking controllers, I just purchased one online, yay!

Anonymous said...

I held one in my hand this weekend. It was a spiritual moment.